Month: October 2019

An Instrument for God

I was thinking today of my friend Robyn and her dyslexia and it occurred to me we all have our problems and deficiencies. I thought of that very famous violinist Itzhak Perlman who went to play in Israel. There was much hype and great expectation for the concert. At last he stood on the stage […]

True Worship

Jarrod Cooper writes… A lot of songs might be confession, intercession or prayer, but they are not worship. Worship is when our focus is completely fixed on Him! The closer you get to the throne, in the bible, the more God-focussed the songs become. In the end it’s just Holy, holy, holy! In our gathered […]

The Wonder of Hebrew

From my Messianic friend Benjamin Andreesson This picture is a good simple example of hidden in plain sight which illustrates the messages from God hidden in the Hebrew. Some are limited to just seeing the overall picture and miss entirely the hidden words and messages. There are four methods of Scripture interpretation that are used […]

When Was Jesus Born?

From my Messianic friend Benjamin Andreessen Some have asked me when was Yeshua born ? Yeshua was born on the 1st day of Sukkot , on Tishrei 15 of 3759. Which would have been September of 3 B.C.E.We are not commanded to celebrate the birthday of Yeshua , but if one wants to do so […]

The Gospel in secular and sacred settings

(Continuing from the previous blog…) And going on to look at Paul in Corinth and Ephesus adds more fascinating detail on his preaching. He preached in both sacred (synagogues) and secular buildings (the lecture hall of Tyrannus). He argued (dialegomai) and persuaded (peitho). Both these verbs are used several times. Of course, argument and persuasion […]

God has spoken

I love that place at the beginning of the letter to the Hebrews where the writer says, “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times (3,808 times it says “thus says the Lord”) and in various ways (literally “bits and pieces” – polumeros & polutropos), but in these last […]


I was reading John Eddison the other day and he could remember the knots he had learned a a Boy Scout. That brought memories for me of over 65 years ago of learning my knots with the Scouts too. He then introduced us to 4 Biblical knots: (i) FORGET NOT – Psalm 103:2. (ii) FEAR […]

Iron Sharpening Iron

(With thanks to Mita Frosthagen) To be accountable to someone helps me walk right, it helps sharpens me. Accountability is often used as a means of control. I don’t think control helps us grow and I don’t think anyone is beyond the need of being accountable to someone else. I believe accountability always needs to […]