The Lord Who Restores

from the pen of Linda Briggs

To restore ~ to bring back or restore to its original position.

In the Scriptures the Lord Who Restores always increases, multiplies or improves better than before! “I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten” etc (Joel 2v21~26)

God restored to Job twice as much as he had lost in his terrible trials when he repented of his attitude and prayed for his friends. (Job 42)

God restored and blessed Joseph (Gen 41v42- 43) 

He restores my soul…..Psalm 23

‘I will restore your fortunes!’

The Lord Who Restores is faithful…….He multiplies when He restores……what He’s done for others He will do for you and me! We can call on The Lord Who Restores to restore our health, our life, family, our fortunes etc etc.

“Is anything too hard for the Lord?

I just feel that through meditating on the names of God that it is a time of restoration…….a time to believe again that nothing is too hard for The Lord Who Restores…….Amen and God bless👍

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