Praise report – Ukraine – November 19

A report from a missions team serving in Ukraine:

We went to a city and gave the gospel to a hundred people in villages. We visited a pastor and his church, preaching and sharing there. The church went from 14 to 800. It’s been good to be a blessing to help see the body of Christ grow.

Then after 2 days off to a very small village with perhaps 100+ people some left because it’s just too difficult there to live, there is no store to buy food, the main road and nearest town or store is perhaps 4 to 8 miles away. The road is dirt and mines are scattered about on the sides. The weather now is cold, snow forecasted in a few days. We called the local head of the village and told them we were coming. Most everyone came from the village to the only town’s community theater and library, sadly most of the windows from the theater are blown out and the theater is in shambles but the attached library can hold about 65 people, about 46 people came to us. They all, already have responded to the gospel. And now we have gone there perhaps 8-10 times sharing the word.

After our sharing I explained we would not see them again for a long time as Kharkov is now free as well as Kherson. I explained that we needed to bring them food and the good news of Jesus Christ.

One woman stood and started to say, “please go to them and give them a message from us, that we love them. We were under Russian occupation for 37 days but they for 8 months. We want you to take the bags of food you brought for us and give it to them. We can send potatoes too.”

We were pleasantly surprised they were willing to sacrifice their food for others. This would be a big sacrifice. They showed us that they were growing in Jesus Christ. A once angry at God village to one willing to make sacrifices for people they do not know. All the village agreed to this sacrifice, nodding yes. I fought the tears away. Tears because they wanted to make serious scarifies.

Please continue to pray for our teams as they bring supplies and the sharing of the Word to many.

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