Your A-D-V-E-N-T Calendar Week 2: ‘D’

by rodneyshottter

Short Acrostic Reflections for Advent

Second Sunday in Advent.
D – Deliverance.

The coming of Jesus brought freedom from the shackles that bind us and prevent us from living a whole and full life. Such chains could be money, drugs, greed, sex and the inability to love and accept love. [Romans 13: 8-10].

Indeed, we could be enslaved by satanic forces, Jesus can deliver us from these as well, which is why we say in the Lord’s prayer ‘Deliver us from [the] evil [one] Matt.
6:13. When Jesus returns he promises that he will deliver us from wars Isa.2:4, pain and suffering and death Rev.21:4 All we have to do is to:-
D- Decide.

To accept God’s Grace to yield to him, to ‘put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light. To wake up from our slumber and let our lives be:-
D – Directed.

By that light – just as the wise men were directed by the star. Let Jesus be your ‘guiding star’!

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