God’s Hand in Dark Times

Ira Kapitonova is with Ivan Kapitonov and Dmytro Bereza

Day 91

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14)

This verse holds a great promise that God will hear humble prayers and heal the land from devastation. On some days, it is harder to hold onto it.

Russia is slowly devouring Ukrainian land. They completely wipe away village after village, town after town. They intentionally aim at bomb shelters with people. They destroy roads, power stations, and water supply infrastructure to make life unbearable for those who chose to stay. They have no mercy.

I check the world news only to see more devastation. A school shooting in Texas (USA) takes away innocent lives. The economic crisis (rising food prices and severe shortages) in Sri Lanka leaves thousands of people insecure and hopeless. The looming global food crisis caused by climate change, poor crops, and broken supply chains makes the world vulnerable.

Today, I want to cry out, “My God, why have you forsaken us?” I guess I take comfort in knowing that it’s okay to say this to God. Even Jesus, who is one with the Father, cried out these words on the cross. I know that God can handle my frustration.

Please, pray for the temporarily occupied territories, especially Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions. Russia is planning on enforcing the use of the Russian ruble as a currency. They are actively spreading propaganda and cutting all connections to Ukraine to make people more submissive, but the guerilla movements are active in those territories. Please, pray for the safety and endurance of the people there.

Pray for Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The fighting there is very intense. Avdiivka, Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Bakhmut, Popasna – these are just a few cities whose experiences are very similar to that of Mariupol. Pray for the strength and the spirit of our warriors there. May God be their shield.

Pray for the people who lost their jobs because of war and are trying to make ends meet. Most people either didn’t have any savings or have already used them up. If the war continues for a long time, millions will fall below the poverty line.

Please, pray for wisdom in handling shortages. Fuel shortage is a big problem in Ukraine. It’s either impossible to find gas or diesel, or the prices are double from pre-war times. The salt shortage is becoming a new problem because the largest salt production plant is in the active war zone now. Pray for God’s provision and wisdom on behalf of the government and population.

Even though I felt overwhelmed today, I saw a beautiful story in the reported news. A 28-year-old soldier was brought to a field hospital with an abdominal wound. It was during the surgery that the doctors discovered that the wounds were a lot more severe – the shell tore through the liver, diaphragm, lung, and heart. This type of wound is considered deadly. But the miracle was that a vascular surgeon was available in that hospital and was able to remove shell shards and piece everything back together. This soldier is now undergoing further treatment in Kyiv. The doctors say he lives only because someone who could perform this unique surgery was there to do it immediately. I praise God for His providence.

Thanks to the numerous testimonies of God’s faithfulness, I can hold on to His promises, even when it’s hard: “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honour him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” (Psalm 91:14‭-‬16)

Today’s picture is of a wounded field in Kharkiv region, close to Izum. The Ukrainians plant the fields, the Russians destroy crops, but the Lord will provide. Photo credit – @thevillageua

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