Hebraic Roots

The Olive Tree

A scientist/horticulturist who is neither a practising Jew nor a believing Christian spoke about the natural realities of this most spiritually significant of all trees, the Olive. This account is of the agricultural method of increasing yield, by someone not familiar with the Bible’s teachings in the Apostles Teachings to the Romans.  This explanation is […]

The Name of Jesus

From my Messianic friend Ben at Hebrew Shalom An explanation of the name Jesus. The name Jesus is not a translation of the Hebrew , but rather a transliteration. It is a transliteration into Greek and then into English. So second hand transliteration. If it were translated , then it would be ‘Salvation’. Translation – […]

The Wonder of Hebrew

From my Messianic friend Benjamin Andreesson This picture is a good simple example of hidden in plain sight which illustrates the messages from God hidden in the Hebrew. Some are limited to just seeing the overall picture and miss entirely the hidden words and messages. There are four methods of Scripture interpretation that are used […]

When Was Jesus Born?

From my Messianic friend Benjamin Andreessen Some have asked me when was Yeshua born ? Yeshua was born on the 1st day of Sukkot , on Tishrei 15 of 3759. Which would have been September of 3 B.C.E.We are not commanded to celebrate the birthday of Yeshua , but if one wants to do so […]