El Olam

El Olam” is a name of God that comes comparatively few times, yet it reveals a wonderful aspect of His character. It means “the Everlasting God.” Its meaning is a little difficult to convey, because the Hebrew word “Olam” can’t be expressed in one particular English word. In Hebrew, “Olam” means: “everlasting”…“evermore”…“old”…“ancient time”…“beginning of the world”…“continuance”… and most frequently, “ever.”

In the “sequence” (period) before Genesis 1:1 (the day when space-time history began) the “Everlasting God” was there! “El Olam” conveys the idea that God is not merely “everlasting”(“Eternal”), but that He is, in all generations, exactly what His people need Him to be. THEY change from generation to generation and there NEEDS to be change with them. But HE NEVER CHANGES.

Isaiah puts it marvellously, “Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable
. ” (Isaiah 40:28).

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