Biblical seasons

Looking forward to Jesus’ Return

Posted on December 3, 2022 by williamrporter I was journalling in the house of prayer on Friday. I had just been reading a prayer pamphlet for the day. They mention that this is the time when Christians looking forward to the great hope of the second coming of Jesus – the Parousia. Yet their subsequent prayer points had […]

Extravagant Love

by rodneyshottter John 12:1-8 Many years ago when I was a college student I bought an expensive brooch for a girlfriend who at the time I regarded as my sweetheart. It cost two weeks income from the part-time job I was pursuing at the time to support my studies. My mother said it was extravagant! Have […]

Your A-D-V-E-N-T Calendar Week 2: ‘D’

by rodneyshottter Short Acrostic Reflections for Advent Second Sunday in Advent.D – Deliverance. The coming of Jesus brought freedom from the shackles that bind us and prevent us from living a whole and full life. Such chains could be money, drugs, greed, sex and the inability to love and accept love. [Romans 13: 8-10]. Indeed, we […]

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