Current events


“God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it.”   John Wesley Psalm 137:1-4 – “When we sat down by the rivers of Babylon, we wept as we remembered Zion. We hung up our harps on the willow trees. For those who had taken us captive asked us for a song—our tormentors wanted us to […]

Hope not Fear

From the desk of Rodney Shotter My father and I used to enjoy watching a comedy programme on TV entitled ‘It ain’t arf hot mum’. It featured a group of ENSA entertainers putting on shows  for troops stationed  in the Far East during the second world war. It was led by a Sergeant Major called […]

Taking down idols

There are many levels to the current situation of angry mobs desecrating statues in our cities. Here is one to consider. In the tearing down of statues because of what they represent (undeniable historic injustices) I wonder if there is a place for self examination. How closely do we consider the source of the food […]