Author : Guest Blogger

Your A-D-V-E-N-T Calendar Week 2: ‘D’

by rodneyshottter Short Acrostic Reflections for Advent Second Sunday in Advent.D – Deliverance. The coming of Jesus brought freedom from the shackles that bind us and prevent us from living a whole and full life. Such chains could be money, drugs, greed, sex and the inability to love and accept love. [Romans 13: 8-10]. Indeed, we […]

Big Hope

DEC 3, 2020 / THISBROKENPASTOR Written by Karen Golder Oh, it’s so easy to have hope while the sun is shining and all is good with the world, but what about when the chips are down, it’s all going wrong and we aren’t sure which way is up? As I write this, I am sitting in Birmingham […]

Hope not Fear

From the desk of Rodney Shotter My father and I used to enjoy watching a comedy programme on TV entitled ‘It ain’t arf hot mum’. It featured a group of ENSA entertainers putting on shows  for troops stationed  in the Far East during the second world war. It was led by a Sergeant Major called […]


By Elle Warrener-Davies for Fathers’ Day Father Our Father who art in heaven, what an honour that you know my name No turning of a shadow, your love is constant, you are always the same Your glorious throne is in heaven; this little earth serves as your footstool We pray ‘let Your will be done, […]

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