Author : Guest Blogger


Time passes… Time always passes. Time doesn’t stand still, doesn’t wait for us to be less busy or for us to be better prepared for what is about to come. It’s one of the things we can’t stop, can’t control, no matter how much we try. It just… passes. And every new tick joins a […]

Power Shift

from Andrew Stewart, New Life Church Derby “Let My people go…” “Who is the LORD, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go?” See Exodus 5:1-4 In the first encounter between Moses and Pharaoh all the power is seemingly with Pharaoh. He is established, secure in his position. This request from Moses seems […]

St Seraphim Soup

St Seraphim Soup From Soups from a Monastery Kitchen, Brother Victoire-Antoine, Arcadia Publishing 1996) 4 servings Ingredients 4 tablespoons butter or oil 8 oz, (225g) rice 3 pts, (1.71) boiling water 1 large carrot, grated 1 onion, sliced  I green pepper, cut into small pieces 2 tablespoons chopped parsley salt and pepper to taste sprinkle […]

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